Well, to tell a little bit about ourselves, we met in what most people would call High School. But then a dutch version. Karin is 17 (almost 18!) and Fleur just turned 16. To get to know us better we both answered a few questions ^^.
1. What book are you reading right now?
2. Which sites are opened as well at this moment?
3. What is the last song you have heard?
4. What are you wearing right now?
5. Decribe yourself in one word!
6. What have you always wanted to do?
7. What do you want to do when you finish High School?
8. What are you're hobbies?
9. Which movie is the last one you've seen?
10. Tell whatever you want to tell ^^.
1. I just finished reading 'The Shadow of the Wind' written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. An amazing book.
2. Youtube, Wikipedia, DeviantART
3. We are Golden by Mika. Didn't really like the song at first, but it sort of grows on me.
4. I'm wearing jeans and a something between a dress and a long shirt with a lovely blue print. Just got rid of my grey heels, so I'm barefoot right now. :)
5. In one word?! Are you kidding? Well.. I'm me.
6. Be happy I guess. And I think I am :) But I wouldn't mind traveling the world to see and meet other people and cultures.
7. I want to study Biology. And we'll see what else I'm going to do.
8. My hobbies are photographing, reading, drawing and hanging out with friends. :) I also love my laptop and can't live without music.
9. The last movie I saw was "My Fake Fiance."
10. I hope you are going to love our blog. And please tell us if you have any ideas or suggestions!
Fleur :
1. Breaking Dawn, the fourth and last book of the Twilight-saga. In English! (I borrowed the saga from Karin actually)
2. My hyves-page, my Deviantart-page and Lookbook.nu
3. The new Mika song, We are Golden. First I really hated it, as did Karin. But this morning she e-mailed me that it was really growing on her. And I have to say, she is right. Once again :P
4. A simple black skirt and a grey top.
5. Optimistic, at least I hope (A)
6. Seeing 3 Doors Down or Nickelback perform in RL.
7. I really want to become a journalist :)
8. Dancing!! (Ballroom/Latin and ballet). Also sailing, hanging out with friends and with my boyfriend, reading, listening music, surfing on the internet, photography (but that's more a passion I think)
9. In the theatre, Harry Potter 6 (and I loved it!) and at home, The Da Vinchi Code.
10. I actually have no idea what to write here,. sorry for my English.. I probably made a few mistakes, but the message is there ;) and have fun with our blog!
you two listen to the same song as always.... XD